Kandur Unlocked 1.0

Kandur Unlocked 1.0

Since the lockdown was announced on 25th March, 2020 due to unanticipated pandemic heading towards us, people resorted to cooking as a stress-buster in their humble kitchens. They have been cooking all sorts of day-to-day survival meals to exotic preparations and taking social media by a storm sharing pictures, videos and even going LIVE. Although […]

Farheen Farid – YouTuber in Lockdown

Farheen Farid – YouTuber in Lockdown

We caught up with this young and emerging YouTuber to know about her creative process and this is how the tête-à-tête unfolded. Ques: Tell us about yourself? I am Farheen Farid, a full-time Research Scholar and a part-time YouTuber from Kashmir who loves to read, paint, bake and day-dream. Two months ago, I started my […]

Warriors on Wheels

Warriors on Wheels

As the world stood still and witnessed the biggest crisis of the century, a bunch of youngsters, feeling the immediate need of the hour, came forward to lend a helping hand to society. “Khyen Chyen” had a chance to interact with one such dynamic individual who offered home delivery of essentials and groceries all around […]